7 Small Business Ideas For Women


It’s October and you know what that means, no, we’re not talking about Halloween (though we are very excited about that), we’re talking about National Women’s Small Business Month! In recognition of the SBA’s Women’s Small Business Month, we’ve dedicated a blog to help give the women of the world some fresh inspiration and provide some small business ideas for women but don’t get us wrong, males are more than welcome to use these ideas as well.

Where do women stand in business?

According to the 2016 state of women-owned businesses report, women have been stepping up their game and now 38% of businesses in the US are owned by women. And according to the Women Business Owner Spotlight report 2017, 66% of those surveyed predict more female-owned businesses than men-owned over the next two decades – now THAT’S girl power!

It seems that the future is bright for female small business owners, if you’ve ever dreamt of opening up your very own business, or perhaps just opening a business on the side, then there’s no better time like the present to unleash the entrepreneur within.

If you’re a female entrepreneur looking to gain funding for your business or hunting for start up loans, scroll to the bottom for your options, if not and you’re here to get business ideas for women then read on and get those creative juices flowing.   

Small business ideas for women:

1. Ecommerce – your very own online store

If you’ve got a creative streak and are good at making products, or maybe you’re just able to get certain products cheaply and sell them for more, then you’ve got the basis for setting up an online store.

You could sell for example:

  • Vintage clothes
  • Paintings
  • Crafts
  • Pets products
  • Travel products
  • Pretty much anything you want

It’s never been easier, especially with Etsy and Shopify to help you set up an Ecommerce website in no time.

If you don’t want to deal with the delivery, selling and payment of your products then you could go old school and use Amazon or eBay. When someone comes to Amazon or eBay, they are likely to buy due to the trust these enormous online stores have built up over time.

2. Freelance

Have you got a hidden talent?

Perhaps you’re good at:

  • Writing/editing
  • Graphic design
  • Voice-overs
  • Filming
  • Website building
  • Software development
  • Accounting/bookkeeping
  • Insert your skill here

If yes, then you could be earning an extra income on the side. Sign up to fiverr.com or create your very own website advertising your services. If you want to take this idea one step further,  you could hire a team of individuals to work for you in the area that you choose. This could be as small or as big as you want it to be.

3. Beauty

If you’re the kind of girl that loves nails, hair or make-up, all it takes is completing a short course and you could be on your way to doing something you love and making some muelar along the way. This type of business can be started with a very low investment (you could provide the services from your home) or become as big as you want it to be where you eventually open your own parlor or salon. Better yet, a chain of salons.

With the internet at your fingertips, you could get YouTubing and learning some extra skills to make your parlor unique.

4. Classes for [insert your skill]

Is there something that you particularly love doing?
Or something that you’re just really good and could teach others?

Maybe you’re a yogi-fanatic, or you have an artistic skill, perhaps you love baking or cooking, know another language or a great beauty skill?

You could easily take your passion and turn it into a business by providing classes of your special skill. It could be children’s birthdays, adult cooking classes and so on. To show you that this could literally be done with any skill, you just have to look at Leanne’s success story, she took her quilting skill to another level, by opening up a workshop and teaching people how to quilt.

5. Coaching and consulting

Becoming a life coach be it for business, success or purely mindset, is something becoming more and more common today. If you find that your friends and people around you are always coming to you for help and advice, this may just be your calling.

This type of business required little investment. You could set up a small office, even offer your services online (Skype) and consult from practically anywhere.

6. Bakery, restaurant or coffee shop

If you’ve always had a passion for food, even if you aren’t the cook yourself, this might be for you. This kind of business isn’t for the faint-hearted. The restaurant industry can be cutthroat, but if this is something you’ve always wanted to do, then you’ll never know if you never try.

If you wanted to start super small, you could start off baking from home and deliver. If you love cooking, you could offer private meals in your humble home or even small catering for dinner parties and small events. There are plenty of culinary business options out there to explore.

7. Blogging and affiliate marketing

Ever wanted to blog and get paid to babble? You could blog about your travels, your home and family life along with all the products that you use, you could blog about fashion, cooking, software, you name it.

Choose your topic and get blogging – it may start out as a side business but this could become a full-on business. At first, it’ll take time to grow your audience and get traffic to your page (watch some youtube videos on SEO to help market your page), but once the traffic gets going you can use your blog to generate revenue via:

  • Adverts
  • Affiliate commissions
  • Partnerships with brands

What will you choose?

At the end of the day, whatever you choose, make sure that you base your small business on something you enjoy doing and if it all goes sour, at least you’ll have learned a lot along the way. Your small business may just be a side-gig for some extra income for your family or it could grow into a full-blown business. The sky’s the limit.

We hope you enjoyed these business ideas for women – just remember, men can use them too.

Get the right funding for your business:

If you need some funds to get your business idea off the ground (and let’s face it, most of us don’t have a wad of extra cash lying around to start a new business) – it takes money to make money. You could get yourself a business line of credit, business loan, start up loans or perhaps another form of funding.

Become will help simplify and speed up the process. With over 35 lending partners and loan types, filling in one application form will show you which options you can best qualify for.

Not sure which option to choose? Our friendly staff can help you along the way. We believe that every business is unique, funding should be too!

Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only, should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter and should not be relied upon as such. The author accepts no responsibility for any consequences whatsoever arising from the use of such information.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only, should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter and should not be relied upon as such. The author accepts no responsibility for any consequences whatsoever arising from the use of such information.

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